William Estep

William Estep

I’m Bill, a programmer, writer, and technology enthusiast. I have been blogging off and on for 20+ years. I spent 13 years in the US Navy on submarines as a nuclear-trained electronic technician.

Research Guide: Knitting History and Techniques

Research Guide: Knitting History and Techniques

For a recent class, I needed to create a beginner research guide for a topic that interests me.

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Double Basket Beanie Pattern Is Live

Double Basket Beanie Pattern Is Live

I finally finished writing the pattern to my satisfaction and testing the various options.

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My Favorite Everything Socks

My Favorite Everything Socks

My first package from the wonderful Woolens & Nosh yarn club was from October, 2023, and since it was my first, I wanted to make something special with it.

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Double Basket Beanie Prototype

Double Basket Beanie Prototype

I finished the first prototype of my new Double Basket Beanie.

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Bulky Swatch Blanket

Bulky Swatch Blanket

I’ve started putting together the Bulky Swatch Blanket . I plan to tile the swatches together somewhat randomly and use different colors for the connecting knitting bands.

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Beanie Prototype: Double Basket Pattern

Beanie Prototype: Double Basket Pattern

I am working on a new Beanie using the delightful Double Basket pattern .

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Basket Weave Beanie

I just added my first pattern to Ravelry. The pattern is for a great little beanie using the Basket Weave pattern.

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Whiskey Knits Project Bag

Whiskey Knits Project Bag

I love a good project bag, and I wanted a really big project bag for my checkmate sweater.

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Vertices Unite Shawl

Vertices Unite Shawl

It took a while, but I finally finished my first Westknits shawl, Vertices Unite.

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Fair Isle Pattern

Fair Isle Pattern

On page 91 of Barbara Walker’s, A Treasury of Knitting Patterns Vol 1, pages 88-89 is the “Fair Isle” pattern.

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Knotted Rib and Broad Spiral Rib

Knotted Rib and Broad Spiral Rib

For this swatch/block in my crazy quilt project, I knit a combination of the Knotted Rib and Broad Spiral Rib from Barbara Walker’s A Treasury of Knitting Patterns Vol 1, page 49.

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Swiss Check Pattern

Swiss Check Pattern

The next swatch in my crazy quilt project is the Swiss Check Pattern from Barbara Walker’s, A Treasury of Knitting Patterns Vol 1, page 90.

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Squared Check Pattern

Squared Check Pattern

The Squared Check Pattern from Barbara Walker’s, A Treasury of Knitting Patterns Vol 1, page 19 is a lovely geometric pattern of alternating knits and purls.

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Shadow Cable Pattern

Shadow Cable Pattern

The Shadow Cable pattern from Barbara Walker’s, A Treasury of Knitting Patterns Vol 1, page 273 is the newest addition to the Crazy Quilt swatch stack.

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This installment of the Crazy Quilt swatches is the Basketweave from Barbara Walker’s, A Treasury of Knitting Patterns Vol 1, page 16.

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German Clustered Cable

German Clustered Cable

Another Crazy Quilt swatch from Barbara Walker’s, A Treasury of Knitting Patterns Vol 1, page 274, the German Clustered Cable.

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Hexagon Swatch

Hexagon Swatch

The Crazy Quilt swatch block knitting continues! In Barbara Walker’s A Treasury of Knitting Patterns Vol 1, page 67, the Hexagon Pattern is an interesting mix of colors and slip stitches.

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Swatch Quilt Ideas

Swatch Quilt Ideas

I’m working through Barbara Walker’s first Treasury of Knitting Patterns and making some swatches.

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Error Running Coverage on Ubuntu

Trying to install pytest and coverage on my ubuntu development server, and ran into an issue when running coverage:

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Found My Watchcap

Found My Watchcap

Cleaning out the boat I found my old watch cap (wool hat) that I made back in 2004 for an Alaska cruise.

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Freestyle Caps by Cheryl Andrews

Freestyle Caps by Cheryl Andrews

I’ve made two of the Freestyle Caps by Cheryl Andrews .

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My First Gloves

My First Gloves

We don’t get a lot of cold weather here in Florida, but it’s been chilly the past few days, and my new “Don’t skid, honey!

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The Fitzgerald Sweater

The Fitzgerald Sweater

I finished knitting my first Cardigan, and my first sweater done in pieces.

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Starting My Berroco Fitzgerald

Starting My Berroco Fitzgerald

Here’s a view of the ribbing, center panel and some seed stitch on my Berroco Fitzgerald cardigan.

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Knitting a Scottish Tam

Knitting a Scottish Tam

A friend of mine ask if I could knit him a Scottish Tam.

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I miss my old watch cap

I miss my old watch cap

I’ve enjoyed knitting off and on for many, many years. The last time I took the hobby seriously was back in 2005.

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Countryside Scarf for Birthday

Countryside Scarf for Birthday

Now that I’m back into knitting, I made a nice textured scarf for my sister on her birthday this year.

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Cables! In a Hat!

Cables! In a Hat!

OMG! New hat done! Using Jason’s Cashmere Hat pattern, I created this nice hat using Patons Classic Wool Worsted in Aran.

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Walking more

Walking more

I’ve been trying to walk more. Since the Covid-19 pandemic started, I’ve gotten even more used to just sitting ‘at home’ in front of a couple of computers for all waking hours.

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Strides for Pride

Strides for Pride

In 2017, my sister and I participated in the Strides for Pride 5k.

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Daily Reminder

Daily Reminder

I’ve hung this Calvin and Hobbes comic in my office for more than twenty years.

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Duolingo Milestone

I hit a numeric milestone in Duolingo yesterday, 300 days learning Spanish.

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Just a Note Regarding Harry Potter

Just a Note Regarding Harry Potter

I just wanted to take a second and say that I nor anyone associated with this website approves of or appreciates the destructive and bigoted transphobic messages coming from J.

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New Radio Cabinet

New Radio Cabinet

For the holidays last year, my good friends, Al and Amie surprised me with a Raspberry Pi kit.

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I Met a Dog and Some Horses

I Met a Dog and Some Horses

Of course, the Monday after daylight savings time shift, I had to drive to St.

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Sunsets on the Boat

Sunsets on the Boat

I haven’t posted a sunset from the boat in a while.

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Fireworks in Slo-Mo

Sometimes you get lucky. I was able to catch a cool clip of our local neighborhood fireworks in slow motion.

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“The Tender Bar: A Memoir” by J.R. Moehringer

“The Tender Bar: A Memoir” by J.R. Moehringer

Who helped shape your life? Is who you are today genetic?

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"The Silver Ships," by S.H. Jucha

"The Silver Ships," by S.H. Jucha

S.H. Jucha’s debut novel, “The Silver Ships ,” introduces a future universe where colony ships from old Earth have settled in different, distant systems, and worked to make a life for themselves.

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"Knots and Crosses" by Ian Rankin

"Knots and Crosses" by Ian Rankin

We had a lot of great reviews on the old ClubReading website.

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"The Town and the City" Jack Kerouac

"The Town and the City" Jack Kerouac

Jack Kerouac’s first published novel, The Town and the City is a story of monumental scope and great emotional depth.

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A friend gave me this cool metal sailboat ornament to decorate the boat for the holiday.

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I’m surprised more of my posts aren’t coffee related. Nice fresh pot for some weekend boat work.

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Recent Travel Drinking

Recent Travel Drinking

I haven’t posted in a while, and want to get back to recording my thoughts and fun hobby activities.

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Rigging Repairs

Rigging Repairs

Rigging repairs on the boat are done. Nothing major, I had a short list of items I wanted repaired/replaced.

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Ten Year Plan Number Plate

Ten Year Plan Number Plate

s/v Ten Year Plan received it’s official number plate today. U.

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Live Life

Vive la vida y deja vivir

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New Boat Arrives

New Boat Arrives

My new Tender arrived today. So of course I had to set it up in my living room.

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Comfort Without the Bulk

Comfort Without the Bulk

When I was looking to redo the V-Berth on my boat, I researched mattress options, and ran across several ‘under-mattress’ systems and ended up going with the Froli Modular SleepSystems .

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Boat Renovations

Boat Renovations

Since purchasing the boat, I’ve been focusing on internal renovations and minor updates.

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Ten Year Plan Boat Cards

Ten Year Plan Boat Cards

Thank you to Lindsay S. Powell Designs for the great boat cards.

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Amateur Radio – W4MTP

“It’s all part of the ten year plan.” So part of the plan, along with learning sewing and canvas work, sailing, diesel repair…and many other things, I decided to get my amateur radio certifications to improve my communications options on the boat.

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WOTD: Gonfalon

A Gonfalon is a type of flag or banner suspended from a crossbar.

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Ten Year Plan: Annapolis Boat Show 2015

Ten Year Plan: Annapolis Boat Show 2015

What a great way to spend a few days of vacation!

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Ten Year Plan: Annapolis Boat Show Day 1

Ten Year Plan: Annapolis Boat Show Day 1

I’m using my vacation time this year to check out the Annapolis BoatShow .

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Day of the Dead Party Costume Plans

Day of the Dead Party Costume Plans

My plan is a dark vest with a themed lining, long sleeve shirt, and dark pants.

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Dance in the Rain

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

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QOTD: Perfect is the enemy of good

Perfect is the enemy of good Voltaire

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Marriage: What Is It Good For?

Marriage: What Is It Good For?

Kudos to the Supreme Court yesterday ruling correctly that equality is a constitutional right under the law, and not something to be argued about and applied willy-nilly.

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Hawaiian Classics Shirt in Green

Hawaiian Classics Shirt in Green

I found a really cool green and white stripped seersucker fabric and had to dosomething with it.

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Are You Wearing Enough Flair?

Are You Wearing Enough Flair?

“What do you think, Joanna, of the person who only does the bare minimum?

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Hawaiian Classic Shirt #2

Hawaiian Classic Shirt #2

Time to start a new shirt. I purchased the Hawaiian Classics 220 shirt pattern from the Victoria Jones Collection.

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Learning To Sew

Learning To Sew

Part of the ten year plan is learning some independence skills.

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Albert Said it Best

Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid; humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant; together they are powerful beyond imagination.

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We Will Miss You Terry Pratchett

We Will Miss You Terry Pratchett

One of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite Terry Pratchett books:

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Clutter and The Ten Year Plan

Clutter and The Ten Year Plan

I have a lot of stuff. Not nearly as much as some, but still plenty.

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QOTD: The tape doesn't lie

The tape doesn’t lie.

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We Need More--I Want More

We Need More--I Want More

The cynic in me wants to say how awful things are and to rail against anything and everyone that doesn’t agree with me.

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QOTD: Words Don't Cook Rice

Words Don’t Cook Rice.

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QOTD: Camus

Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.

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QOTD: Anger

Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.

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QOTD: Experience

Experience is not what happens to you; it’s what you do with what happens to you.

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QOTD: Raise Your Words

Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that

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QOTD: Sea Quest

There comes a time when a man would have to be a complete fool not to realize that his fate hangs on a particle of time.

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QOTD: Dream by Moonlight

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.

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QOTD: Provided

The words of a dead man Are modified in the guts of the living

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Video Editing Adventures

I have a new role at work. For many years I managed the application development teams, but with recent growth and shifts, I’ve moved to the Marketing and Communications team as an innovation architect.

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The Sublime Regex

The Sublime Regex

Sublime Text is a really wonderful text editor. It’s flexible and extensible enough to cover just about any need, but still simple and clean to use.

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The First Real Ride of Spring

The First Real Ride of Spring

Yesterday was the first real ride of spring. The weather was perfect, and the Todd and I headed north up the coast for a bit, then across the Mayport Ferry , before heading back to Sippers and having some coffee.

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Time to Cleanup My TextExpander Snippets

Time to Cleanup My TextExpander Snippets

I ran across a terrific blog post by Thomas Borowski discussing his TextExpander snippet for Pelican blog posts.

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Sublime Pelican Plugin

Sublime Pelican Plugin

Wow. If you, like me, are a Sublime convert, and a Pelican blogger , then this wonderful plugin is a must.

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Jealous Car

Jealous Car

Yes, I’ve mentioned it before, I love my Prius . It’s a great car and I’m not ashamed to say it.

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Sublime Text 2

Sublime Text 2

I wanted to see what all the buzz is about, so I downloaded the evaluation of Sublime Text 2 , and bought a copy a few minutes later.

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It has been a while since I’ve posted anything. Some fun stuff going on, so here are some updates.

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NaNoWriMo Continues

NaNoWriMo Continues

Writing is going well this year. I’ve got some truck-sized plot holes to deal with, but I’m tweaking the outline as I go and plugging away at the word count.

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Calm River

Calm River

The river is very calm this morning. It’s chilly (down right cold for Florida!

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Maciej Cegłowski Discusses

Maciej Cegłowski Discusses

Check out Maciej Cegłowski’s great talk from XOXO 2013. He is the creator behind Pinboard .

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Looking At a Python Pelican

Looking At a Python Pelican

I really like the static version of the site. It’s so much easier to support and configure.

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Catbird Is An Actual Bird

Catbird Is An Actual Bird

Catbird is an actual bird! “The catbird seat” is an idiomatic phrase used to describe an enviable position, often in terms of having the upper hand or greater advantage in all types of dealings among parties.

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iPhone Speed Vid

iPhone Speed Vid

Very cool video showing speed tests of all iPhones side by side.

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AM Damp

AM Damp

Yeah! I finally got the bike out this am for a quick ride.

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Training Pays Off

Mario Frangoulis sings a wonderful cover of the Moody Blues song, “Nights in White Satin.

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Second Life's Strang Second Life | The Verge

Second Life's Strang Second Life | The Verge

The Verge has a good article about Second Life , but the interesting part is the posts layout.

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Common MySQL Queries

I ran across this terrific resource, Common MySQL Queries .

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Dragons Past and Present

Dragons Past and Present

Below is a paper I wrote for a college lit class.

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The Galaxy Note II by Samsung

The Galaxy Note II by Samsung

I got an evaluation phone at work to fiddle with for 30 days.

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Apartment Living

Yeah! I’m finally getting settled in the new place. Moving is exhausting.

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Anger Management

Anger Management

Silence. Internal voices saying, “I’m not good enough,” and “I’m evil.

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People Are Challenging

People Are Challenging

I make no claim to understand people. In fact, I’m often confused by peoples motivations or responses.

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Old Words

Old Words

Packing, boxes, tape, more boxes more tape…. That’s my life for the next few weeks.

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Cigar Boxes

Cigar Boxes

I use a lot of index cards at work, and wanted something to toss them into.

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DIY Weekend

DIY Weekend

I did a bit of DIY this weekend. I love my car , but also really wanted bluetooth audio with the stereo.

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"Breaking the Surface" by Greg Louganis

"Breaking the Surface" by Greg Louganis

As I mentioned in a previously, I am working on recovering all of the old ClubReading.

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Blogs and Stats and Objectives

Blogs and Stats and Objectives

Jordan McCollum has a great post for writers introducing site analytics and what to look for.

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Common Questions

Common Questions

People are funny. Most folks require a certain comfort level to ask certain questions.

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Dan Is All Class

I don’t know the reasons, but I agree with what others have said, the show has been sliding, and Dan’s response is all class.

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Why You Should Quit

Why You Should Quit

Chuck Wendig does these great “25 things” posts, taking the lists trend to a wonderful absurd.

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Annular Solar Eclipse Video

Agreed! This is a very cool video. The coolest video of yesterday’s annular solar eclipse

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Scalzi's Take on Privilege

Scalzi's Take on Privilege

John Scalzi ruffled some feathers again on his blog when he used a gaming metaphor to try and explain to the Straight White Male players in life that they are on the lowest/easiest setting.

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Macdrifter Summation of Text

A Simplenote Affair « Macdrifter : “WriteRoom Dropbox sync is amazingly fast.

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Repetitive Tasks Chart Porn

Awesome awesomeness! Repetitive Tasks - Chart Porn Enjoy!

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My Big Ass Gay Pity Party

My Big Ass Gay Pity Party

I had a rough day yesterday. I let myself go to a dark place and the resulting big ass pity party wasn’t pretty.

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Gravity Arranged

Gravity Arranged

Luckiamute Falls How does gravity work? Oh the dreaded scale!

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"A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian: A Novel" by Marina  Lewycka

"A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian: A Novel" by Marina Lewycka

Reviewer: Linda The main characters in this book are Ukrainian immigrants in the U.

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"The Novelist" by Angela Hunt

"The Novelist" by Angela Hunt

Reviewer: Sally Angela Hunt is in the top five of my favorite authors list.

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"Empire Falls (Vintage Contemporaries)" by Richard Russo

"Empire Falls (Vintage Contemporaries)" by Richard Russo

Russo’s novel is wonderful! The characters, even the minor characters are real, tangible, quirky, heartwarming and heartbreaking.

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"Unspoken" by Angela Hunt

"Unspoken" by Angela Hunt

Reviewer: Sally Some people think humans evolved from apes…gorillas. Glee Granger thinks gorillas are almost human and can be taught to think and talk.

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"The Cat Who Went into the Closet (Cat Who...)" by Lilian Jackson Braun

"The Cat Who Went into the Closet (Cat Who...)" by Lilian Jackson Braun

This is another interesting tale about Qwilleran and his two cats.

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"Iceberg" by Clive Cussler

"Iceberg" by Clive Cussler

Reviewer: linda Adventure books, I keep reminding myself, were written in the mid-1970s for men, just as James Bond movies were made for men.

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"The Body Myth: Adult Women and the Pressure to be Perfect" by Margo Maine, Joe Kelly

"The Body Myth: Adult Women and the Pressure to be Perfect" by Margo Maine, Joe Kelly

Reviewer: Linda While this is not the most well-written book I have read, it is thought provoking.

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“The Fat Girls Guide to Life” by Wendy Shanker

“The Fat Girls Guide to Life” by Wendy Shanker

Reviewer: Linda This is a book which discusses acceptance of one’s weight and appearance.

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"Petty Pewter Gods (P.I. Garrett)" by Glen Cook

"Petty Pewter Gods (P.I. Garrett)" by Glen Cook

Reviewer: littlemissthing Add one part Kolchak: The Nightstalker, a touch of Columbo, and heavy helping of wizards, elves, dragons, and all sorts of fantasy creatures.

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"Child of the Prophecy: Book Three of the Sevenwaters Trilogy (The Sevenwaters Trilogy)" by Juliet Marillier

"Child of the Prophecy: Book Three of the Sevenwaters Trilogy (The Sevenwaters Trilogy)" by Juliet Marillier

A myth combined with fantasy. That’s a very short description of what this book is.

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"Julie and Julia : 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen" by Julie Powell

"Julie and Julia : 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen" by Julie Powell

Julie Powell felt she was in a rut. Turning thirty, dead end temp secretary job, crappy loft apartment and trouble with her husband.

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"Shantaram: A Novel" by Gregory David Roberts

"Shantaram: A Novel" by Gregory David Roberts

(Anonymous Submission to old ClubReading website) Lindsay or Linbaba, as the Indian people named him, is a fugitive who escaped prison in Australia, where he served two years of his 19-year sentence of arms robberies, which he used to do to support his heroin addiction caused by loosing custody of his daughter in a failed marriage.

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"The Actors Guide to Greed (Actors Guide To...)" by Rick Copp

"The Actors Guide to Greed (Actors Guide To...)" by Rick Copp

Jarrod Jarvis was a child actor in a successful sitcom in the 80’s.

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"Candy Apple Red (Jane Kelly Mystery)" by Nancy Bush

"Candy Apple Red (Jane Kelly Mystery)" by Nancy Bush

If you enjoy light, easy mystery books, then this book is for you.

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"Bokuru" by Jon C. Hall

"Bokuru" by Jon C. Hall

Reviewer: bardsandsages “Bokuru” by Jon C. Hall When a prominent archeologist’s mysterious death is quickly ruled a suicide, trial attorney and amateur archeologist Jim Henderson is hired to go to Africa and investigate.

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"Damaged!" by Bernadette Y. Connor

"Damaged!" by Bernadette Y. Connor

Reviewer: Bardsandsages Author Bernadette Y. Connor spins a thought-provoking tale of abuse, survival, redemption, and the need for forgiveness in her novel Damaged!

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"The Burglar in the Library (Bernie Rhodenbarr Mystery)" by Lawrence  Block

"The Burglar in the Library (Bernie Rhodenbarr Mystery)" by Lawrence Block

Bernie Rhodenbarr just wants a quiet weekend in the country.

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"Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking" by Malcolm Gladwell

"Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking" by Malcolm Gladwell

This book discusses how we make snap judgments, or decide things “in a blink.

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"Son of a Witch: A Novel" by Gregory Maguire

"Son of a Witch: A Novel" by Gregory Maguire

Maquire has done it again; he’s taken us into Oz, but not Baum’s Oz, a new, different Oz.

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"Almost Like Being in Love: A Novel" by Steve Kluger

"Almost Like Being in Love: A Novel" by Steve Kluger

The book is presented as journal entries, newspaper articles, memo’s, emails, post-it notes and court records.

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"Flesh And Blood" by Michael Cunningham

"Flesh And Blood" by Michael Cunningham

Flesh and Blood is a large story covering three generations and 100 years.

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"French Women Dont Get Fat: The Secret of Eating For Pleasure" by Mireille Guiliano

"French Women Dont Get Fat: The Secret of Eating For Pleasure" by Mireille Guiliano

There has been a bit of fuss in the media concerning this book, as the title is somewhat provacative.

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"A Beautiful Mind: The Life of Mathematical Genius and Nobel Laureate John Nash" by Sylvia Nasar

"A Beautiful Mind: The Life of Mathematical Genius and Nobel Laureate John Nash" by Sylvia Nasar

The biography of a brilliant mathematician, A Beautiful Mind is not only fascinating but extremely well written.

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"The Year the Colored Sisters Came to Town" Jacqueline Guidry

"The Year the Colored Sisters Came to Town" Jacqueline Guidry

This is a story about the year two colored nuns came to a small town in Southern Louisiana to teach at the white Catholic school.

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"A Kiss of Shadows" Laurell K. Hamilton

"A Kiss of Shadows" Laurell K. Hamilton

Merry Gentry, a member of the Faerie royal bloodline, has been in hiding for the past three years.

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"A Promise for Ellie" Lauraine Snelling

"A Promise for Ellie" Lauraine Snelling

Andrew Bjorklund and Ellie Wold have known they would wed since grade school.

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"A Fragile Design" Tracie Peterson, Judith Miller

"A Fragile Design" Tracie Peterson, Judith Miller

Arabella Newberry was not only fleeing the life of the Shakers, she was leaving her father behind her.

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“Writing the Novel” Lawrence Block

“Writing the Novel” Lawrence Block

Lawrence Block is certainly a very successful writer. He currently has178 books listed on Amazon.

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"Different Roads" Joyce Sterling Scarbrough

"Different Roads" Joyce Sterling Scarbrough

The two main characters, Jaycee and Bud, share similar emotional challenges, but were raised in very different environments.

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Where are my thoughts

Where are my thoughts

Where are my thoughts? In small boxes and cubbyholes,

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"All Creatures Great and Small" James Herriot

"All Creatures Great and Small" James Herriot

All Creatures Great and Small is a classic written in 1972, but I just discovered it.

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"The Cat Who Moved a Mountain (Cat Who...)" by Lilian Jackson Braun

"The Cat Who Moved a Mountain (Cat Who...)" by Lilian Jackson Braun

Reviewer: Sally James Qwilleran stayed the compulsory five years in Pickax to complete the requirements placed on his inheritance.

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"8.4" by Peter Hernon

"8.4" by Peter Hernon

Interesting novel of an earthquake (8.4 magnitude, of course) on the New Madrid fault in Southeast Missouri/Southwest Illinois/Western Tennessee, etc.

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Nick Hornby's "A Long Way Down"

Nick Hornby's "A Long Way Down"

The first chapter of Nick Hornby’s novel, “A Long Way Down ” introduces the 4 main characters, Martin, Maureen, Jess and JJ.

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Whiskey Sour: A Jack Daniels Mystery (A Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels Mystery)

Whiskey Sour: A Jack Daniels Mystery (A Jacqueline "Jack" Daniels Mystery)

Caution: Puns Ahead! That should be on the cover of this book–if you hate puns, you won’t find this book as amusing as I did.

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Basic Troubleshooting Techniques

Basic Troubleshooting Techniques

Troubleshooting is tracking down pesky bugs, rooting them from the code and squashing them.

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RSS Feed in Zend Framework

Going to get a little geeky here. But I wanted to share a simple, and effective way to create a simple rss feed of content in the Zend Framework .

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"84, Charing Cross Road" by Helene  Hanff

"84, Charing Cross Road" by Helene Hanff

This book is a collection of letters from a female writer in New York City to a bookstore in London.

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"A House in Sicily" by Daphne Phelps

"A House in Sicily" by Daphne Phelps

Daphne Phelps inherited a house in Sicily called Casa Cuseni.

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"Anonymous Rex" by Eric Garcia

"Anonymous Rex" by Eric Garcia

A terrific read! Very entertaining, unusual and fresh with a sly humor and good story.

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"At The Scent Of Water" by Linda Nichols

"At The Scent Of Water" by Linda Nichols

Reviewer: Sally ‘Life Happens!!’ We’ve all seen the bumper stickers.

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"Educating Alice: Adventures of a Curious Woman" by Alice Steinbach

"Educating Alice: Adventures of a Curious Woman" by Alice Steinbach

Alice Steinbach manages to do the things we all want to do: She travels to different places to learn new things.

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"Phoenix Tales: Stories of Death and Life" by Gregory Bernard Banks

"Phoenix Tales: Stories of Death and Life" by Gregory Bernard Banks

Reviewer: Bardsandsages Breaking the boundaries between literary and genre fiction, Gregory Bernard Banks’ Phoenix Tales: Stories of Death and Life is a stunning collection of short stories that confronts the meaning of life and death with beautiful bravery.

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Yo!  Need a vampire hunter over here!

Yo! Need a vampire hunter over here!

Amazon emailed me a couple of days ago to let me know I might like the new Laurell Hamilton book “Blood Noir”.

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ClubReading Facelift

ClubReading Facelift

Well - it’s time for some changes at ClubReading. The current site has served us well for a long time, but it is feeling it’s age.

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Stroll Back in Time

What an amazing website! Shorpy is an archive, in very high detail of historical photo’s.

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Yeah, I know. This post is a bit down, but I wanted to share a photo in a post, so why not post about my recently deceased Dalmatian?

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I am so behind on podcasts. At present…after a day of listening to podcasts, I have 8.

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