Blog Posts

Training Pays Off

Mario Frangoulis sings a wonderful cover of the Moody Blues song, “Nights in White Satin.

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Second Life's Strang Second Life | The Verge

Second Life's Strang Second Life | The Verge

The Verge has a good article about Second Life , but the interesting part is the posts layout.

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Common MySQL Queries

I ran across this terrific resource, Common MySQL Queries .

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Dragons Past and Present

Dragons Past and Present

Below is a paper I wrote for a college lit class.

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The Galaxy Note II After a Week or So

The Galaxy Note II After a Week or So

The thing is huge! I know I’ve said that a dozen times already, but it is ridiculously large.

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The Galaxy Note II by Samsung

The Galaxy Note II by Samsung

I got an evaluation phone at work to fiddle with for 30 days.

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Apartment Living

Yeah! I’m finally getting settled in the new place. Moving is exhausting.

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Anger Management

Anger Management

Silence. Internal voices saying, “I’m not good enough,” and “I’m evil.

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People Are Challenging

People Are Challenging

I make no claim to understand people. In fact, I’m often confused by peoples motivations or responses.

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Old Words

Old Words

Packing, boxes, tape, more boxes more tape…. That’s my life for the next few weeks.

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