Blog Posts

Cigar Boxes

Cigar Boxes

I use a lot of index cards at work, and wanted something to toss them into.

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DIY Weekend

DIY Weekend

I did a bit of DIY this weekend. I love my car , but also really wanted bluetooth audio with the stereo.

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"Breaking the Surface" by Greg Louganis

"Breaking the Surface" by Greg Louganis

As I mentioned in a previously, I am working on recovering all of the old ClubReading.

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Blogs and Stats and Objectives

Blogs and Stats and Objectives

Jordan McCollum has a great post for writers introducing site analytics and what to look for.

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Common Questions

Common Questions

People are funny. Most folks require a certain comfort level to ask certain questions.

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Dan Is All Class

I don’t know the reasons, but I agree with what others have said, the show has been sliding, and Dan’s response is all class.

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Why You Should Quit

Why You Should Quit

Chuck Wendig does these great “25 things” posts, taking the lists trend to a wonderful absurd.

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Annular Solar Eclipse Video

Agreed! This is a very cool video. The coolest video of yesterday’s annular solar eclipse

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Scalzi's Take on Privilege

Scalzi's Take on Privilege

John Scalzi ruffled some feathers again on his blog when he used a gaming metaphor to try and explain to the Straight White Male players in life that they are on the lowest/easiest setting.

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Macdrifter Summation of Text

A Simplenote Affair « Macdrifter : “WriteRoom Dropbox sync is amazingly fast.

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