Blog Posts

King Charles Brocade

King Charles Brocade

This weeks Crazy Quilt swatch is the King Charles Brocade from Barbara Walker’s, A Treasury of Knitting Patterns Vol 1, page 31.

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Hexagon Swatch

Hexagon Swatch

The Crazy Quilt swatch block knitting continues! In Barbara Walker’s A Treasury of Knitting Patterns Vol 1, page 67, the Hexagon Pattern is an interesting mix of colors and slip stitches.

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Trellis With Moss Stitch

Trellis With Moss Stitch

The next Crazy Quilt swatch block is the beautiful Trellis with Moss Stitch pattern in Barbara Walker’s A Treasury of Knitting Patterns Vol 1, page 261.

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Staghorn Cable Swatch

Staghorn Cable Swatch

Another stitch pattern for what I’m calling my Crazy Swatch Quilt project is the Staghorn Cable from Barbara Walker’s first Treasury of Knitting Patterns.

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Swatch Quilt Ideas

Swatch Quilt Ideas

I’m working through Barbara Walker’s first Treasury of Knitting Patterns and making some swatches.

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Error Running Coverage on Ubuntu

Trying to install pytest and coverage on my ubuntu development server, and ran into an issue when running coverage:

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Found My Watchcap

Found My Watchcap

Cleaning out the boat I found my old watch cap (wool hat) that I made back in 2004 for an Alaska cruise.

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Freestyle Caps by Cheryl Andrews

Freestyle Caps by Cheryl Andrews

I’ve made two of the Freestyle Caps by Cheryl Andrews .

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My First Gloves

My First Gloves

We don’t get a lot of cold weather here in Florida, but it’s been chilly the past few days, and my new “Don’t skid, honey!

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The Fitzgerald Sweater

The Fitzgerald Sweater

I finished knitting my first Cardigan, and my first sweater done in pieces.

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