Blog Posts

Amateur Radio – W4MTP

“It’s all part of the ten year plan.” So part of the plan, along with learning sewing and canvas work, sailing, diesel repair…and many other things, I decided to get my amateur radio certifications to improve my communications options on the boat.

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WOTD: Gonfalon

A Gonfalon is a type of flag or banner suspended from a crossbar.

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Ten Year Plan: Annapolis Boat Show 2015

Ten Year Plan: Annapolis Boat Show 2015

What a great way to spend a few days of vacation!

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Ten Year Plan: Annapolis Boat Show Day 1

Ten Year Plan: Annapolis Boat Show Day 1

I’m using my vacation time this year to check out the Annapolis BoatShow .

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Day of the Dead Party Costume Plans

Day of the Dead Party Costume Plans

My plan is a dark vest with a themed lining, long sleeve shirt, and dark pants.

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Dance in the Rain

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

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QOTD: Perfect is the enemy of good

Perfect is the enemy of good Voltaire

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Marriage: What Is It Good For?

Marriage: What Is It Good For?

Kudos to the Supreme Court yesterday ruling correctly that equality is a constitutional right under the law, and not something to be argued about and applied willy-nilly.

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Hawaiian Classics Shirt in Green

Hawaiian Classics Shirt in Green

I found a really cool green and white stripped seersucker fabric and had to dosomething with it.

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Are You Wearing Enough Flair?

Are You Wearing Enough Flair?

“What do you think, Joanna, of the person who only does the bare minimum?

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