Blog Posts

QOTD: Experience

Experience is not what happens to you; it’s what you do with what happens to you.

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QOTD: Raise Your Words

Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that

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QOTD: Sea Quest

There comes a time when a man would have to be a complete fool not to realize that his fate hangs on a particle of time.

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QOTD: Dream by Moonlight

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.

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QOTD: Provided

The words of a dead man Are modified in the guts of the living

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Video Editing Adventures

I have a new role at work. For many years I managed the application development teams, but with recent growth and shifts, I’ve moved to the Marketing and Communications team as an innovation architect.

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The Sublime Regex

The Sublime Regex

Sublime Text is a really wonderful text editor. It’s flexible and extensible enough to cover just about any need, but still simple and clean to use.

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The First Real Ride of Spring

The First Real Ride of Spring

Yesterday was the first real ride of spring. The weather was perfect, and the Todd and I headed north up the coast for a bit, then across the Mayport Ferry , before heading back to Sippers and having some coffee.

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Time to Cleanup My TextExpander Snippets

Time to Cleanup My TextExpander Snippets

I ran across a terrific blog post by Thomas Borowski discussing his TextExpander snippet for Pelican blog posts.

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Sublime Pelican Plugin

Sublime Pelican Plugin

Wow. If you, like me, are a Sublime convert, and a Pelican blogger , then this wonderful plugin is a must.

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