Ten Year Plan: Annapolis Boat Show Day 1

Ten Year Plan: Annapolis Boat Show Day 1

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I’m using my vacation time this year to check out the Annapolis BoatShow. I drove up yesterday, 10/8/15, and hit the show early this morning.

To be honest, I was almost as excited for the long drive as I was for the boat show. I love long road trips, and this was a great opportunity to chill and listen to podcasts. It was a nice drive with little drama. The only challenge was I-95 closure in South Carolina. But Waze routed me around it without any issue.

I headed in early this morning to familiarize myself with the show layout. My plan today was to hit many of the free seminars. Tomorrow I am in the Take the Wheel seminar all day, and Sunday I plan to hit all the tents/vendors I didn’t see today.

I figured I would end up taking hundreds of pictures, but today I was overwhelmed. I did take a few, so enjoy the gallery below.


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The Galaxy Note II After a Week or So

The Galaxy Note II After a Week or So

The thing is huge! I know I’ve said that a dozen times already, but it is ridiculously large. Its the same (almost) screen size as my kindle touch. For someone without an iPad, the extra screen real estate might be nice, but as a phone, it is just way too big.

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QOTD: Dream by Moonlight

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.

Oscar Wilde

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