
Time to Cleanup My TextExpander Snippets

Time to Cleanup My TextExpander Snippets

I ran across a terrific blog post by Thomas Borowski discussing his TextExpander snippet for Pelican blog posts.

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Sublime Text 2

Sublime Text 2

I wanted to see what all the buzz is about, so I downloaded the evaluation of Sublime Text 2 , and bought a copy a few minutes later.

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iPhone Speed Vid

iPhone Speed Vid

Very cool video showing speed tests of all iPhones side by side.

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Second Life's Strang Second Life | The Verge

Second Life's Strang Second Life | The Verge

The Verge has a good article about Second Life , but the interesting part is the posts layout.

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The Galaxy Note II After a Week or So

The Galaxy Note II After a Week or So

The thing is huge! I know I’ve said that a dozen times already, but it is ridiculously large.

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The Galaxy Note II by Samsung

The Galaxy Note II by Samsung

I got an evaluation phone at work to fiddle with for 30 days.

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DIY Weekend

DIY Weekend

I did a bit of DIY this weekend. I love my car , but also really wanted bluetooth audio with the stereo.

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Macdrifter Summation of Text

A Simplenote Affair « Macdrifter : “WriteRoom Dropbox sync is amazingly fast.

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I am so behind on podcasts. At present…after a day of listening to podcasts, I have 8.

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