
WOTD: Gonfalon

A Gonfalon is a type of flag or banner suspended from a crossbar.

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It has been a while since I’ve posted anything. Some fun stuff going on, so here are some updates.

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NaNoWriMo Continues

NaNoWriMo Continues

Writing is going well this year. I’ve got some truck-sized plot holes to deal with, but I’m tweaking the outline as I go and plugging away at the word count.

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Dragons Past and Present

Dragons Past and Present

Below is a paper I wrote for a college lit class.

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Old Words

Old Words

Packing, boxes, tape, more boxes more tape…. That’s my life for the next few weeks.

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Blogs and Stats and Objectives

Blogs and Stats and Objectives

Jordan McCollum has a great post for writers introducing site analytics and what to look for.

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Why You Should Quit

Why You Should Quit

Chuck Wendig does these great “25 things” posts, taking the lists trend to a wonderful absurd.

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My Big Ass Gay Pity Party

My Big Ass Gay Pity Party

I had a rough day yesterday. I let myself go to a dark place and the resulting big ass pity party wasn’t pretty.

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Gravity Arranged

Gravity Arranged

Luckiamute Falls How does gravity work? Oh the dreaded scale!

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Where are my thoughts

Where are my thoughts

Where are my thoughts? In small boxes and cubbyholes,

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Yeah, I know. This post is a bit down, but I wanted to share a photo in a post, so why not post about my recently deceased Dalmatian?

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