
Time to Cleanup My TextExpander Snippets

Time to Cleanup My TextExpander Snippets

I ran across a terrific blog post by Thomas Borowski discussing his TextExpander snippet for Pelican blog posts.

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Jealous Car

Jealous Car

Yes, I’ve mentioned it before, I love my Prius . It’s a great car and I’m not ashamed to say it.

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It has been a while since I’ve posted anything. Some fun stuff going on, so here are some updates.

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Catbird Is An Actual Bird

Catbird Is An Actual Bird

Catbird is an actual bird! “The catbird seat” is an idiomatic phrase used to describe an enviable position, often in terms of having the upper hand or greater advantage in all types of dealings among parties.

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Dragons Past and Present

Dragons Past and Present

Below is a paper I wrote for a college lit class.

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People Are Challenging

People Are Challenging

I make no claim to understand people. In fact, I’m often confused by peoples motivations or responses.

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Old Words

Old Words

Packing, boxes, tape, more boxes more tape…. That’s my life for the next few weeks.

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Common Questions

Common Questions

People are funny. Most folks require a certain comfort level to ask certain questions.

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Scalzi's Take on Privilege

Scalzi's Take on Privilege

John Scalzi ruffled some feathers again on his blog when he used a gaming metaphor to try and explain to the Straight White Male players in life that they are on the lowest/easiest setting.

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My Big Ass Gay Pity Party

My Big Ass Gay Pity Party

I had a rough day yesterday. I let myself go to a dark place and the resulting big ass pity party wasn’t pretty.

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Gravity Arranged

Gravity Arranged

Luckiamute Falls How does gravity work? Oh the dreaded scale!

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Where are my thoughts

Where are my thoughts

Where are my thoughts? In small boxes and cubbyholes,

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Basic Troubleshooting Techniques

Basic Troubleshooting Techniques

Troubleshooting is tracking down pesky bugs, rooting them from the code and squashing them.

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I am so behind on podcasts. At present…after a day of listening to podcasts, I have 8.

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